
Showing posts with the label OutOfMemoryError

How To Increase PermGenSpace Of Eclipse ?

If you see  java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space  errors, you need to increase the permanent generation space available to Eclipse. PermGen is the permanent generation of objects in the VM (Class names, internalized strings, objects that will never get garbage-collected). An easy, if somewhat memory-hungry fix is to enlarge the maximum space for these objects by adding, “-XX:MaxPermSize=128M” as an argument to the JVM when starting Eclipse. The recommended way to do this is via your  eclipse.ini  file . Alternatively, you can invoke the Eclipse executable with command-line arguments directly, as in “eclipse [normal arguments] -vmargs -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M [more VM args]” Note: The arguments after  -vmargs  are directly passed to the VM. Run  java -X  for the list of options your VM accepts. Options starting with  -X  are implementation-specific and may not be applicable to all JVMs (althou...